Monthly Archives: April 2010

Hey Grouponers!

We are really excited with the overwhelming response of our Groupon coupon. If you left a message to make a tour reservation, we will return it on Friday, April 30.

Talk to you soon!

Detroit Bikes! Cinco de Mayo Ride

On May 1, Detroit Bikes! will host a Cinco de Mayo ride that will take off from Clark Park at 10 a.m.  The 10.5-mile route will take in Fort Wayne, Riverfront Park, and St. Anne’s Church. Registration and free bike helmet raffle begins at 9 a.m.

For more information, visit or email

This weekend’s lineup

The water is sparkling, the birds are chirping and the sun is shining. Wheelhouse is open for its final weekend of spring hours. Starting next Friday, we’ll be here seven (7!) days a week from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

This weekend, we have two private tours and one public one, which we hope that you will join! It’s The Villages, with a stop at a community garden and the Time, Inc. house in West Village, a tour of an Indian Village home and the riverfront grounds of a Berry Subdivision home. Looks to be a really great ride. It takes off at 11 a.m. from the shop; you can register on-line at

So yeah, we’re here from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday…see you soon!

Portraits on the Riverfront

One of our customers, Noah, has a series of portraits called The People of Detroit. His most recent shot is of one of our regular visitors, Larry. It’s a great shot with a great accompanying story.

For some reason, I can’t figure out how to link the photo directly, so head here to check it out.

Spring Tune-up Special Deadline: April 16

Friday, April 16 is the last day to bring in your bike and receive the Spring Tune-Up Special price of $40. Saturday and beyond, it’ll run you the regular rate of $50.

We are open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Big news for this weekend is that the Wheelhouse crew (Except Lisa, who will be manning the shop!) will be undergoing training provided by PEAC on Saturday to ensure that we are all up to snuff, safety-wise, when we are conducting our tours.

Our first tour of the season, Architecture, went off with a bang last weekend. Among our VIP guests were Bud Liebler, owner of Midtown’s venerable The Whitney restaurant and Michael Hodges, who writes about architecture for the Detroit News. Here’s what he had to say about it:

Led by architect Brian Hurttienne of Detroit’s Hamilton Anderson Associates, the three-hour tour utterly rocked — one of the high points of A.B.’s spring. Happily the tour will be given once a month throughout the summer. Check the Wheelhouse website or call for dates. It’s a great way to see the city. Detroit, as writer Toby Barlow has pointed out in the New York Times (click here to read his entertaining, well-observed op/ed piece from several months ago), is virtual heaven for bikers: flat, and almost no cars, particularly on the weekends.

Read the rest of his blog post here.

Slots are filling up on our next tour, which is April 24 and will visit The Villages. Head to to read more about it and to register, as well as to peruse our full schedule.

Led by architect Brian Hurttienne of Detroit’s Hamilton Anderson Associates, the three-hour tour utterly rocked — one of the high points of A.B.’s spring. Happily the tour will be given once a month throughout the summer. Check the Wheelhouse website or call for dates. It’s a great way to see the city. Detroit, as writer Toby Barlow has pointed out in the New York Times (click here to read his entertaining, well-observed op/ed piece from several months ago), is virtual heaven for bikers: flat, and almost no cars, particularly on the weekends.

Words from the Banana Stand

Another weekend at the Wheelhouse! We’ll be here Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Our first tour of the season, Architecture, rolls out at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Join us for an informative ride through Elmwood Cemetery, Lafayette Park, Midtown and Downtown. Expert commentary will be provided by local architect Brian Hurrttienne.

We’ve added two more bikes to our stock, the SE Dew, which is flat black, and a white female Sun Drifter ($360).

We’ve just received a large shipment of Bell and Giro helmets, and we’ve also begun to carry Randy’s Granola, a locally made healthy treat for $2.50 per individual pack. See ya on the river!

Weekend Update

How amazing is this weather? This weekend we’ll be here Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. We’re closed Sunday for the holiday.